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Patti Stanley

My name is Patti Stanley and I am a Multi-Certified Personal Trainer, Instructor and Fitness Presenter with over 22 years experience in the fitness industry. I also have a background as an elite level gymnast and certified safety coach with USA Gymnastics. My greatest reward comes from working with adults and seniors who may feel uncomfortable in a traditional large gym setting and are looking for personalized professional exercise guidance in the comfort of their own home, condo facility or pool. I specialize in developing programs that include alternative forms of exercise and flexibility that make workouts more enjoyable. Examples include: Aquatic Training, Yoga, Pilates, TRX Suspension Training, Spin, Turbokick, BOSU, Resist-a-ball, Golf Fitness, Core Training, Resistance (weight) Training, Cardio, Kids & Teens & Pre-Post Natal Fitness. I am always willing to go the extra mile to make staying active and healthy both fun and beneficial.


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