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Gael Thomson

After leaving school in Scotland UK, I continued further education in Sports and Leisure for 2 years while teaching Pre school Gymnastics. I also worked as Weight supervisor in the evenings at a Ladies only facility. I came to America in 1995 and joined the Everett YMCA after my second child. Starting as a participant in Cardio Kickboxing I found I had a deep love for the art and wished to go further. Everything fell into my lap with timing as the instructor wished to move on. I completed my training while teaching the classes regularly. I still hold a love for Kickboxing classes and continue to enjoy teaching every week with different fitness levels. I am proud to add that men enjoy my classes too!! Recently I started a creative movement class at YMCA Snohmish county to continue my involvment in Pre School fitness. I consider myself in training and learning at all times. Having only taught for 3 years I have a lot to learn but I already have a lot to give.

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