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Amy Sullivan

Amy Sullivan has happily found her niche as a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, healer, eternal student and yoga activist.


Amy’s "Journey to the Heart" started as a way of rehabilitating her knee injury sustained during her career as a collegiate level athlete and professional dancer.  


She travels the world leading yoga retreats, workshops and facilitates Yoga Teacher Training Programs. She was featured in Origin Magazine, Mantra Magazine, Yoga Journal and was the Yoga Journal Cover model for March 2013 issue. 


To support her students on their life journey by utilizing the poses and principles of yoga as a vehicle for self-discovery, self-acceptance and awareness to cultivate a deeper connection to themselves so they continue to nurture the expressive and beautiful beings they already are. 


By connecting with our bodies through yoga, we create space for the integration of our mind, our body and the more subtle layers of our being to come together in a peaceful and meditative state that has the potential to overflow into our lives. Amy believes that every time we step on the yoga mat, we give ourselves an opportunity to be present to all aspects that the practice of yoga can offer.


Her style is multifaceted calling upon many different disciplines that combines yoga anatomy, ayurvedic principles + the rhythms of nature’s cycles, yoga therapy, mantra, meditation, classical yoga texts and sometimes Beyonce. 


She offers breath work, meditation and theme-based classes that are heartfelt and intentional, creatively constructed to be simultaneously challenging and compassionate , filled with precise alignment, intuitive hands-on enhancements, light-hearted humor, a little sass and a lot of love. 


She has over 15 years of experience teaching yoga and 20 years of practicing and studying with a myriad of styles and teachers like Baron Baptiste, Ana Forrest, Yoga Kids’ Marsha Wenig, Boston’s Best David Vendetti /Todd Skoglund, Natasha Rizopoulos and Shiva Rea.  She holds multiple certifications including E-800 RYT, Yoga Therapy through Loyola Marymount University and Ayurveda Consultant through The Living Ayurveda Program with Maria Garre.  


After bouncing from coast to coast, and although her hometown of Boston and its' amazing yoga community is in her heart... she is happy to be back in Los Angeles surrounded by her fellow gypsy souls.  

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