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Erica Arsenault

Erica is renowned for refining a unique yoga style that incorporates a Western connection of anatomy and architecture, with an Eastern ease of philosophy and spirituality. She recently completed her studies in Kundalini to continue her evolution of understanding Source energy and to share this sacred technology as she believes we are all "conduits of healing in the presence of feeling". 

Erica’s yoga flow integrates dimensions of the body, duality of active and passive energy and conscious breath movement, with the goal of connecting to your highest intelligence. Her precise alignment and muscle activation has a meditative charm that allows for detachment from thought, to truly land in innate stillness.

Wife, mother of two, business owner and Lululemon Legacy Ambassador. Her goal is to share the practice as an exploration of self-sensory.  To live in the present, amplify the capacity to listen well and honor that we are all on the same journey of returning.


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