Mix your passion with paradise ™

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April Billingsley

I have been practicing yoga for over 15 years, I love all styles and truly believe that yoga benefits anyone and everyone. I began my yoga practice with the hot series and gradually opened my heart to other styles. I knew there was so much more to yoga than I could learn in a 60-90 minute class, so I enrolled in teacher training in 2017, best decision of my life. I love having the opportunity to share yoga with others and teach my passion. 
My favorite style to teach is vinyasa flow. My teaching style is alignment based and safe, while also fun and challenging. I typically teach towards a peak pose so every class has a purpose and students will learn and practice proper technique. 
I sometimes play a fun wordless playlist comprised of acoustic hit songs, but it depends on the environment. I’m very adaptable and enjoy setting the space for my students.
I also teach yin yoga if a more relaxed cooling practice makes sense. I would aspire to offer yin/yang classes at resorts as it is so well balanced.

My husband and I travel to all inclusive resorts almost every year so when I discovered this opportunity I was thrilled!


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