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Lainey Wilson

I am interested in Fitness Pro Travel because it combines two things I love! I am passionate about travel and experiencing new places, as well as teaching movement through Pilates. Being able to combine them both sounds like a dream! 

I am a graduate of the University of Nevada Las Vegas with a degree in Dance Production Management. I have been a dancer my whole life, and was introduced to Pilates in college. Pilates not only helped me understand my body better, it rehabilitated me from several injuries during my collegiate dance career. I received my Mat Pilates certification through DK Body Balancing Pilates upon graduating, and have taught group classes for 11 years while also teaching dance. 5 years ago I completed my equipment certification with a specialization in dance through BASI Pilates in Orange County, California. 

I love helping my clients reach their health and fitness goals, and knowing that they walk out of my classes feeling better than when they walked in! 

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