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Catherine Kassab



Hi! My name is Catherine, and I am a Perinatal Fitness instructor. I am ASFA certified in Personal Training, Pilates, and Barre. I have been specializing in prenatal & postpartum exercise, certified through OhBaby! Fitness, for over 10 years, bringing my knowledge and expertise to modify the traditional practices of Pilates, Barre, and general fitness classes, making them pregnancy and postpartum friendly. 
I am from Buffalo, NY (go Bills!), but now live in Atlanta, GA.  I grew up snowboarding, swimming, and playing tennis, and have always loved being physically active.  When I was in college, I sustained a brain injury which landed me in physical therapy to help me walk properly again and regain normal movement. I was in a rehab program for athletes, and that eventually led me to Pilates.  I became certified in college (it got me credits AND a professional certification - double win for a college student!), and fell in love with everything about it. This eventually led me to Barre. Because of the Pilates elements in Barre, this is another class I love for the same reasons. Everyone can do it regardless of mobility, and movements can be modified for pregnancy while still feeling the full effect of the workout!
While I taught fitness classes, my main gig was a school teacher.  Although I loved being a teacher, I quit when I had my own kids, and focused on being a Mom and teaching my fitness classes. I now have three boys and know first hand how difficult finding time to exercise can be!  Not only is time an obstacle, but it can also be tricky knowing what movements are okay during pregnancy and postpartum.  Our bodies change so much during this time, and it is important to know the exercises you're doing are safe AND effective!

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