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Hillary MacLean

Sierra Symmetry founder Hillary MacLean, NCPT is a Polestar® Certified Pilates Instructor, and Painless Running Coach. Hillary was a competitive gymnast through high school, snowboarder and wakeboarder through college, and after having her second child, directed her active nature to trail running. Although a successful trail runner placing well in races, she started experiencing pain as a result of her active lifestyle. Upon researching how to minimize pain while not sacrificing her love of running, she came across Pilates. Efficient movement coupled with a healthy diet has reduced pain associated with old injuries and shaved time off of PRs. Hillary now has three children and is motivated to share her love of exercise and running with those young and old. She believes everyone can benefit from efficient movement. Through Pilates, those just starting their careers in competitive sports can reduce the risk of injury and perform at the highest level, and those who want to spend every day feeling great can perform their daily activities with ease.

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