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Diann Sollie

Fitness instructor and personal trainer since 2016

American Sports and Fitness Association Certified

Long time fitness advocate. Former bodybuilder including winning the Mississippi State Championship in two categories and have completed and placed in numerous other competitions. Diann has also rode bicycles and competed in various bike races and placing in events like the Mississippi State games. The love of weights has set the tone for her continuing to work out and sharing her skills and knowledge through personal training and teaching fitness classes. Diann has taught a variety of classes including: boot camp, tabata, weightlifting, Les Mills bodypump, high intensity interval training, step and cardio based classes. Diann is retired from Meridian Community College where she served as the Social Sciences and Business division chair and taught both criminal justice and sociology. She holds as Bachelor’s of Science and Master’s of Educations degrees.

DOB from above should be 1960. 


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