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Keep moving; keep growing; embrace the shake. I try to embody those mottos every day. As a second-degree black belt, I thought Tae Kwon Do would be my "forever" activity, but a neck injury unrelated to the sport forced me out. Yoga was the only activity that was doable for me, and I took my first class with a very poor attitude. But power yoga quickly became my passion.

Discovering new power and a new sense of peace, I was hooked. In 2013, I completed my 200-hour yoga teacher training with Kurt Johnsen and Jayme Bushmaier-Davis at American Power Yoga in Dallas, TX. Immediately after, I founded a yoga studio (You Power Yoga) at age 55. My 500-hour certification was completed in 2021 with Yoga Forte of Ft. Worth, TX. In 2022, I transitioned out of the studio ownership role and now am an instructor at You Power Yoga. 

I love to help people find their sense of power, peace, and a sense of compassion for themselves and others through the practice of yoga. There are delightful surprises tucked into every practice, and I find joy in drawing those out for people to experience.

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