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Annika Fockens

I am a 42-year-old mom of 2 (Bella 11, Charlie 10), happily married for 14 years to my husband Roel. I have been in the fitness industry since 2000. Originally from the Netherlands (I live in the US now) I started out as a personal trainer and group fit instructor (Les Mills Body Pump and Body Combat) and continued my education through the years. At this moment I am employed by the YMCA of Mid TN, and I teach everything from yoga to active older adults, to HIIT, cycling and almost everything in-between for about 16 hours a week. The rest of my hours I spend with my personal training clients. I LOVE what I do and believe that getting older has made me a better trainer. I have completed a marathon, several Spartan races and a sprint triathlon as well as many road races. If you'd ask me what type of training I like best when it comes to teaching, I couldn't tell you.... I like teaching as a whole and think the connection with people is the best part of it. I love to travel, meet new people and learn from and about other cultures, and worked as a waitress on a cruise ship for a while before I got into fitness. In my free time I love to cook, workout, sing, garden and watch television shows. Fall is my favorite season and I'm a big animal lover. My fitness goal is to become a trainer who trains other aspiring trainers how to be a trainer and in the back of my mind I would still want to compete in a figure competition.

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