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Inderjeet Sidhu

We were planted as seeds and ended up as flowers. The journey began pure. There were many ups and downs through many learning experiences. Throughout my journey I have had a very challenging upbringing, which led me to realize a whole lot at a very young age. I have had difficult days I’d rather forget! I found yoga after the loss and abandonment from my dad and completely losing myself to some of life’s hardships . The studio is where I feel the most connected to my dad for I know that had he not done what he did, this wouldn't be possible. If you are ever beside me in class, you will hear me thank him for his gifts. I love this place as it helped me in becoming who I am and free people of their roles and expectations in my life.  I feel blessed for this room as I am able to sweat, cry, heal, and grow. It has helped me ground myself in a way where no matter what happens I am grounded in where I stand and come home to myself no matter the circumstance. Teacher training fell into my lap at the time that I guess I could use it the most as I was going through some health problems that have almost completely resolved through meditation, medical attention and not neglecting what my mind and body need. There have been many difficult days, yet staying committed to myself and disciplined has got me to where I am today- a place I never thought I could be. I am truly happy and content with all that is in my lap today. Through it all- the ups, downs, torture, abuse, abandoment, I BLOOMED. Annie BECAME THE SO VERY PERFECT VERSION of herself that she is today. We are all here to become breathtakingly better versions of ourselves. With this in mind, bloom, where you are planted, a beautiful new beginning is awaiting! The divine light in me acknowledges and bows to the divine light in you-from my heart to yours namaste! 

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