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Megan Zeider

Megan's journey into the world of yoga began in 2014, a pivotal year when she joined a coworker and close friend who had just embarked on her own path as a yoga teacher. Intrigued by the positive changes she witnessed in her friend, Megan felt a growing curiosity. She realized that, like her friend, she too could benefit from the transformative power of yoga.

Her first yoga class was a defining moment, as it ignited a spark within her that would continue to burn brightly in the years to come. From that day forward, Megan embraced yoga as an essential part of her life, with each practice offering her a sense of peace and rejuvenation.

Though the idea of teacher training crossed her path early on in her yoga journey, Megan initially felt that it wasn't the right time to take that leap. Life, however, had other plans for her, and unexpected changes prompted deep soul-searching. Through this introspection, she realized that yoga had always been a sanctuary, a place where she could simply be herself.

It was during this period of self-discovery that Megan's calling became clear. She felt a burning desire to share the incredible gift of yoga in her own life with others. The decision to embark on teacher's training was a heartfelt commitment, born out of a wish to give back something that had meant so much to her.

Megan's yoga journey has been strongly influenced by her unwavering passion for yoga, fitness, and nutrition. These elements have guided her through her personal transformation, and now she is eager to share her knowledge and experience with others. Her unique teaching style is an energetic vinyasa flow, combining strength, flexibility, and balance while emphasizing the importance of the breath. She is known for her ability to inspire and challenge her students, pushing those who want to explore their limits while providing plenty of options for modification to suit all levels.

Beyond her dedication to yoga, Megan's passions also extend to running, weightlifting, and self-care, influencing her class style. Her quest for knowledge goes beyond the yoga mat; she is currently completing her business degree with a minor in Human Resources, and she has a deep fascination for Ayurveda and holistic health.

Megan is ready to embark on this new phase of her journey as both a student and a teacher with open arms and a heart full of gratitude for the incredible transformation yoga has brought to her life. Her mission is to help others discover the same sense of inner peace, balance, and vitality that yoga has given her.

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