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Scott Shuster

I've been a Zumba enthusiast for nearly 20 years, and an instructor for 3 1/2 years.  It started when my kids gave me a 3-month gym membership for my birthday... I started 'Spinning', but one day walked out of the Spin room and glanced into the Group Exercise room where I saw about 30 people dancing around, getting cardio exercise, and having a fun time.  It didn't take more than a nanosecond to decide that was what I wanted to do to keep myself fit and active.

Today I teach my 'Pop-Zumba' (ie "Dance Fusion") classes in multiple gyms & Senior Centers around the Massachusetts 'Metrowest' area. I'm also certified for Zumba Gold, Aqua Zumba and Zumba Kids.  Most weeks I'm either teaching or attending Zumba or Cardio Dance classes 5-6 days/week.  My participants particularly love the mix of music I select.  Because I'm not a standard Zumba instructor, which would necessitate using at least 70% Latin music, instead I use all Pop & Funk music.. Bruno Mars, Jennifer Lopez, Shakira, Pitbull, Meghan Trainor, Ed Sheehan, Pussycat Dolls, Lizzo, and the like.

I have retired from my career in Information Technology and now teach Dance Fusion as my second act.  As I've always said.. any day I'm dancing is a good one!

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