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Annie Geile: E-RYT® 200, YACEP®, RYT®500

I fell in love with yoga in my thirties as I was battling a debilitating illness, raising 2 kids, and working a stressful corporate job. Yoga helped me heal not only my body, but also bring a sense of calm and clarity to my mind. As I dove deeper into yoga, I realized I wanted to bring what I was learning on my mat outside of the studio. In 2019 I decided to take the 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training at South River Yoga, just to deepen my knowledge of the physical practice, as well as learn more about the ancient philosophy of yoga. By the end of the training, I knew I wanted to teach. I love sharing my knowledge of how connecting the mind, body, and breath can bring so many benefits to your health on and off the mat. I completed my 300 Hour YTT, also at South River Yoga in 2020, and never looked back on the corporate world again.

I love an active lifestyle and many forms of fitness in addition to yoga, like HIIT, Pilates, and hiking. I love sharing these passions and working out with friends. Many of my travel adventures include a fitness element to them!

I have recently added Reiki energy healing to my trainings to bring another form of healing to my students.

I also realized that yoga teachers could benefit from the business skills I had picked up in my 25 plus years in the corporate world. This led me to begin coaching yoga teachers on how to manage all the aspects “off the mat” to be able to thrive as yoga teachers. It’s my mission to support the teachers at South River Yoga in their teaching journeys to the best of my ability!

I love bringing my Brené Brown “Dare to Lead” training to my teaching and coaching. I live by the mantra “Clear is Kind” and find it to be helpful in all aspects of life!

I took over full ownership of South River Yoga in January 2023. I love being able to hold space for a thriving community and give people a place to connect with a community, gain clarity in what is needed in their life at each moment, and grow in their practice on their journey to their best selves!

I am the mom of two (adult) boys and my favorite thing is spending time with them and watching them grow on their individual journeys!

My goal in teaching is to give each student the space to grow, provide a glimpse of the link between the physical benefits of yoga and the off the mat emotional benefits, and inspire others to become their best selves!

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