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Hope fell absolutely in love with yoga during a time of health struggles. She attended her 200 hour teacher training while her health was still a struggle because she wanted to learn as much as possible about yoga.  Shortly after the training, she had to have major surgery to remove her entire thyroid and the tumors that had wrapped around her vocal cords. In spite of this, she stepped up and taught her first yoga class only 5 weeks after the surgery, not knowing if her damaged voice would be heard by the students in the back of the room. She then taught at several teacher trainings and received a 100 hour certificate in Yin yoga. Hope completed an Ashtanga yoga-based training for her 300 hour certificate at Miami LIfe Center with Kino McGregor and Tim Feldman. Most recently, she completed her first 50 hour Rocket training with The Yoga Shala.  

Yoga is where Hope comes to  find a calm space within herself. She believes that to be a good teacher, she must continue to practice every morning: facing fears, weaknesses, and gaining strength and flexibility on the mat. She finds it an honor every time she gets to use the voice that was nearly taken from her to teach others the beautiful calming practice of yoga. She attempts to lead students toward the true purpose of yoga: ‘Yogas chitta vritti nirodhah’, which means ‘Yoga is stilling the fluctuations of the mind’. 

When she is not on her mat, you can find her hanging out with her husband, one of their 4 children, or 2 grandchildren. She also gets out for some beautiful PNW hikes or lake adventures on her paddle board whenever possible.

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