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Before yoga, my background was in corporate training & development, and special project implementation at Wachovia Bank in Winston Salem. Six years ago I left the corporate world to take on the larger task of raising my two daughters & pursue my interests in yoga, health & fitness. I'm currently a master trainer with YogaFit (based in California) where I lead weekend yoga teacher trainings around the country. I'm also certified through ACE & AFAA as a Personal Trainer and Group Fitness instructor. I am a CEC provider for ACE and AFAA throught the YogaFit training programs. Through YogaFit I am also working towards RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance) recognition. I have about 20 hours left in the 200 hour level. My educational background is in Operations Management and I hold an MBA from UNCC. Now, I'm pursuing studies on my own focusing on nutrition and whole body health. I teach a wide variety of yoga classes and work specifically to tailor classes that meet the needs of the audience, while tailoring poses that meet the needs of each individual. In most of my classes I get a variety of people from stay-at-home moms to college students to seniors to business professionals. I see a variety of fitness levels and try to design a class in which I provide a lot of options. In my corporate classes we de-stress. I focus on poses that counteract the postural problems related to sitting at a keyboard. They get a good workout, but also learn to let go and relax. I even teach a Yoga-for-Golfers class that my golfers swear by. One man dropped 10 points off his handicap in a year! I would welcome the opportunity to teach in a resort setting. I can't imagine a better atmosphere in which to start or strengthen a personal yoga practice. I'd love to be the person to bring it to them! - Roz Lambeth

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