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Jordan Macbeth

Yoga has been a journey beyond anything I could have ever imagined. Studying Astrology from a young age, and as someone always looking for the deeper meaning in everything, Yoga became the perfect fit. I began my Yoga practice in 2002 with At One Yoga in Scottsdale, Az.

I  completed my 200hr certification in Iyengar method with Anusara emphasis at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts under teacher, Christy Burnette and am currently completing my 500hr certification in Astanga yoga at Dave's Astanga under Dave & Cheryl Oliver.

I am a life long student and love to encourage my own students to find what they can learn within each and every moment. Throughout my journey Yoga has led me from deep rooted insecurities to the practice of self acceptance and Truthfulness(Satya) of who I truly Am. Thanks to Yoga I am freed from the confines of my own mind and body and liberated to live in the best way possible for me. I’ve improved in my own Self Analysis(Svadyhaha) and discovered through continuous practice of the postures and meditation how I handle myself, not just in yoga class but in everyday life. Yoga has been the awareness that has helped me to focus and see how I really handle things and bring that awareness off my mat and into the world. Am I pushing myself too hard? Am I pretending to try for appearances? Am I making excuses for why I can’t do something? Do I take a break when I need it and honor my body? Am I letting fear hold me back & keep me from moving forward? Yoga literally has the ability to change your life for the better, if you are open to the transformation. I am passionate in helping others to find this same freedom in Body, Mind and Spirit. My classes are a unique & creative blend of yoga traditions. Designed with the intention to inspire and uplift my students by sharing quotes and messages of encouragement to consider a new perspective and find the drive to move forward.


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