Mix your passion with paradise ™

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Allison Lando-Carvainis

I discovered my love for fitness about six years ago when I took my first kickboxing class.  Although I struggled through it I loved the challenge and how good I felt afterwards.   Being someone who always had to struggle with my weight I knew had to incorporate exercise into my lifestyle.   Always trying new classes to add to my workout routine as not to get bored, I tried Zumba and I was hooked.   After taking zumba classes for a year I decided to get licensed and share my love for it with others.  After teaching my first class I knew I found my passion.  Combining techniques I learned from other fitness classes and my love for dance I create routines that are fun yet very effective.  My classes are high impact, high energy, but most importantly enjoyable.  I teache 8 classes a week and look forward to every sincle one.  My heart smiles when I am able to witness the changes in the bodies and lives of my students.  I'm committed to helping others reach their fitness goals, boost their confidence, and make sure their having a blast while doing it.  Join my class today and allow Zumba to change your life! 

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