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Kim Williamson

Relevant Qualifications:


1982-1984                      Swedish massage, City and Guilds of London


1995                               YMCA, exercise to music Diploma, London


1996                              Sivananda Yoga Teacher training, Diploma, Catskills, NY.


1997- 1999                    Daily Yoga practice/instruction with Swami Bua, NYC, NY.


2000                               Hatha Yoga Teacher, Diploma, BSY London.

                                       Personal Trainer, NVQ (UK)

                                       Reiki Healing 1, 11 and 3rd level (UK)


2006                              Astanga Yoga Teacher, Diploma, Tamil Nadu, India.


                                       Reflexology, Diploma


2010                               Yoga Alliance, Senior Yoga Teacher, Cert. (UK)



Work Experience:


2006- Present            Cancer Research Institute, Holborn and Regents Park.

                                  Troubadour Gallery, open classes. KX gym.


2003-2005                Soho Gyms- London, Holmes Place- London.


1998-1999                Chelsea Piers Gym, NYC.


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