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Marilyn Cannon

Marilyn Cannon has been an innovator in the fitness and wellness Industry for oer 30 years.   Her expertise in creating unique solutions for her clients' result in fun and effective exercise regimens that keep them coming back for more.   Marilyn's mind/body aproach incorporates her belief that "thoughts create" and by empowering her clients to "rethink' how they feel about their bodies in their present state can lead to a lifetime of loving their bodies.

Marilyn pioneered Corporate Wellness with her start up company in 1981.  She later expanded this company to include Aerobic studios and community area group fitness instruction in a five state area.  Shapenastics was rated in the top three fitness facilities by Buisness First for four years running.  After selling the company in 2000, she went on to head up the membership and programming area of the largest hospital based wellness center in the area.   From there she took over an upscale lifestyle center where she expanded the menu to include a full service medical spa and naturapathic services to address aging from the "inside/out". 

Following the sale of Genesis,  Marilyn left the industry briefly to care for her boyfriend during his bout with cancer, which he successfully beat.   During that period, Marilyn hit the menopause milestone and gained twenty-five pounds.   Distressed by this,  she made the decision to find a solution to not only her weight problem but the fact she found herself aging rapidly.   

Marilyn did extensive research on the subject and came up with an exercise and nutritional solution that enabled her to lose the weight and turn back the clock on the aging process.   She took her knowledge and created a whole new business model based on her success.

Marilyn, passionately, assists her clients and fitness students with one on one and group instruction that incorporates great music with safe and effective exercises that insure measureable results!

Marilyn exudes the  boundless energy and appearance of a woman much younger than her years.  

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