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Angella Hamilton

My love affair with Pilates started in 2005 after several debilitating back injuries left me seeing the Doctor more in one year than I had in the last 10 years.  I was a Ballroom Dance Instructor, but had no clue about good posture ( Hint: it's not just about sticking your chest out and sucking your gut in!)

A colleague once said, "I started Pilates for my own practice, but once I found out I could actually help someone else, I was hooked on teaching. " And so it is for me.  I love the flow, the synergy, the strength of movement when I am doing Pilates myself.  It's a beautiful practice.  There are times when I  show someone a totally different way to move, and I secretly wish they will remember it forever.

The history of my Pilates career paints the picture of my life. Starting as a student, learning from acclaimed Pilates Instructors in the industry.  Teaching in a studio that had the wide variety of professional athletes to 88 year old men.  It taught me the vast modalities of Pilates.

Branching out and spreading my  wings,  I designed several programs for the community.  I initiated and created part of a Wellness Program at John C. Lincoln Hospital, Trilogy Communities and several others through out Arizona.

I am incredibly grateful to work in world class Resorts, such as the Scottsdale Fairmont Princess, Marriott Camelback Inn and several others,  doing something I adore.  Most days it's like a fairy tale- until I have to do some paperwork and billing. Then I am reminded this is my profession.

I love speaking with groups about health related topics, how  posture can crush your internal organs, making you tired and oxygen deficient.  Every time I see a big group or convention that comes in to the hotel I think to myself " They need someone to come in during their breaks and lead a stretch/Pilates break."
So, conference planners and event coordinators, please contact me! Your attendees will forever thank you !

When my kids got older, I wanted a new sport I could do with my husband, so I picked up my golf clubs again after many, many years.  This time, I had an advantage! I knew about Pilates and WOW! My husband was jealous.  He could still wack it off the tee, but I just  hit it consistent and straight all the time. I took a specialized Pilates Golf certification and taught several Pilates for Golf Workshops at some of the most prestigious  courses in Arizona.

Some time after that, I was diagnosed with breast cancer - so, my priorities switched from golf to working with cancer patients.  The amazing difference I felt I could make working with these women led me to start the Inner Tough Girls.   I continue to provide in home programs and lead the Inner Tough Girls in their life after cancer.  Teaching Pilates and the gifts it has given me reminds me I have a life of purpose.  I am grateful and blessed.  So much so, in fact, I created an exercise dvd 'The Tough Girls Guide to Life After Cancer'. combining Pilates and Tai Chi to rehabilitate cancer Survivors.

  I am certified in Pilates  through Performance Pilates taught by Angela Sunderg at Bodscapes Studio in Scottsdale.  I also hold an ACE Certification for Personal Training and several 'follow up' certifications such a  'Working with Seniors' , 'Using Alternative Treatments for Illness '  'Pilates for Golf' 'Pilates for Breast Cancer'  'Pilates for the Office' and  The Pilates Stick Technique'.  Within the last few years, I have been 'playing Tai Chi'  as they call it. I love it. I created The Zen Method , which is a contemporary form of Tai Chi and Qi Gong designed to relax, renew and rebuild in this crazy thing we call life.

I am a Lover of Movement~ I truly believe the best Souvenier is giving someone an experience when they are on vacation, they will incorporate through the rest of their life. It is a gift.

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