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Scott Steven

My teaching philosophy is to deal with each golfer as an individual, rather than trying to fit them into a particular style of golf swing. I like to build on each golfer's strengths and uniqueness. I don't believe in one correct way to swing a golf club, but I believe there is a one efficient way for each person based on what they physically can do.

The first thing I like to do with a golfer is have a conversation about their game. I want to know why they are taking golf lessons and what they are hoping to achieve. I believe in setting achievable, realistic goals that are specific and measurable.

The next step is to take the golfer through a Functional Golf Movement Screen. Through twelve tests I can determine what the golfer's body can physically perform. This helps me know what to teach as well as what not to teach. For example, if a golfer has a tendency to swing the club over the top and slice the golf ball, we frequently find, through the screening process, that golfers don't have the ability to separate their upper and lower body. This identifies a physical restriction that needs to be addressed along with specific golf drills to help achieve sustainable results. The majority of a golfer's swing flaws are directly related to a physical restriction. The combination of golf fitness and golf instruction will give the greatest opportunity for success.

I have been playing golf for the past 25 years. I played golf at the high school level and then collegiate golf in Nebraska as well as Colorado State University as a walk on. I graduated from Metro State College of Denver with a Bachelor's degree in Sports Medicine. With my degree I have worked with numerous athletes of all ages and abilities and I have a good understanding of the body and how it should work. I feel that with golfers, the piece of equipment that gets neglected the most is the body. I strive to help my students make golf a life-long sport.


I began my career in the golf industry first at Hiwan Golf Club in Evergreen, CO, and later at Lake Arbor Golf Course and eventually Legacy Ridge Golf Course in Westminster, CO, where I worked for 6 years and became a PGA member.

My other passion besides golf, is fitness. In my personal life, I always linked the two together, but professionally, I did not know how to bring the two together. Then I was introduced to the Titleist Performance Institute (TPI). They are the best bridge between golf and fitness I could ever imagine. They have a robust program that I believe is the best in the industry. TPI answers the "why" we do what we do and how to fix it. The success that golfers have had with me is unbelievable when you remove their physical barriers. Golfers are now given their full potential for success.

I look forward to meeting you and helping you reach your full potential.

Here is what I can offer to your Resort Guests:

Golf Instruction- Individual or group lessons that includes full swing, short game, putting, sand, and trouble shots.  Also, I can perform these in a clinic setting.

Golf Fitness- Individual or group classes.  Group golf fitness classes focus on mobility and stability.  If you have never attended a class they are very fun and are very popular.  Also, I can take clients through a (TPI) Functional Movement Screen and customize them a workout program that is online they can do at home.  If you give me a call or send me an email I would like to send you a sample workout so you can see what they get.


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