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Mandie Shockley

I am a certified personal trainer and licensed Zumba® Instructor. I have been teaching Zumba for almost 4 years now and currently hold licenses in Basic Zumba®, Zumba Basics 2®, Zumba GOLD®, and Zumba Toning®. I LOVE to exercise and have fun while doing so. After Zumba® I decided to take my fitness career a step further and became a personal trainer. Now I train full time with anywhere from 5-15 clients per day (indiviually and in group settings). A fellow Zumba® Instructor told me about traveling working vacations and I just had to check it out. I am so excited to have the opportunity to spread health awareness, one year I went on a vacation to Mexico and they offered a Zumba® class at the pool. After going I realized they actually did not have a licensed Zumba® Instructor teaching but thought to myself, wow, what a great idea! Doing Zumba on vacation! I would love to do that! I would also be willing to do personal training while away, but Zumba® would definitely be my first choice, it really is a fitness party!

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