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Michelle DesOrmeaux

I have lived in Lafayette, La all my life.  I graduated for the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in Elementary Education.  Dance and fitness have been a part of my life since I was 2.  I have danced for over 30 years and have taught over 15 years in the disciplines of jazz, ballet, tap and hip hop.  I danced on a history making multiple national winning dance team in High School, The St. Thomas More Sparklers.  I also danced on a professional arena football team's dance team in 2001.

 I began teaching in the fitness industry in college and developed a love for the industry.  For the past 22 years I have taught many different types of group fitness and am always promoting the importance of a healthy lifestyle.  I am a Master Trainer for POUND® Fitness, and I am ACE & AFAA Certified.  I am a WBFF (World Beauty Fashion & Fitness) Pro and just won the national title of Miss WBFF Bikini USA.   

I am married to Robert Merrill, Jr. and still reside in Lafayette, La.  We enjoy many indifferent activities including scuba diving, snow skiing, water sports and just relaxing.

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