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Nigel Walker

Looking at me now, it's hard to believe that I've spent most of my life feeling anxious, out of shape and disconnected. It wasn't until one day nearly ten years ago at my desk job that things suddenly changed: I suffered a debilitating knee injury getting up from my office chair—not playing a contact sport, running a marathon or skydiving, but getting up from a chair.

My injury meant that I had to relearn how to move, and this delicate process left me face-to-face with my biggest fears and insecurities. I spent years trying to put myself back together until I discovered the practice of yoga. I resisted at first but soon found that yoga was the holistic approach to health and well-being that I desperately needed. I learned that mental, emotional and physical states are all connected.

Today, I'm a registered yoga teacher (RYT 200®) and Lululemon Ambassador. I lead yoga classes, workshops and special events across Canada, helping people of all ages and abilities uncover their full potential. 

My teaching style emphasizes functional strength and flexibility, with a focus on fluid and therapeutic movement, intelligent sequencing and holistic health. 

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