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marla footer

Marla B. Footer, R.N. has over 30 years of professional experience in the area of Medical Management, Human Resources, Staff Development, Director of a Rehabilitation and Sport Medicine Center, Author of a Healthy Cookbook, Owner and President of her Fitness Consulting Business. Her knowledge and experience encompass all areas of Human Resources Training, Training needs assessment, Design and Development of Fitness Performance Programs, Train the Trainer, Testing and Evaluation. Marla works directly with the Federal Reserve Police Force training the officers through out there seven week orientation and inservicing all officers during the year. Marlas' love for the Pilates Method has lead her to extensive training to become a certified instructor. To be the most fit you need to do all kinds of exercise, to be a well rounded Fitness Instructor you need to know all forms of training. That is what Marla is a well rounded Fitness Professional.

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