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I am a sports enthusiast who has loved fitness from an early age. I began water skiing at age 4 which parlayed into a gymnastics career that started at 9 and continued heavily through age 13. At age 10 I discovered cheerleading and incorporated gymnastics and tumbling into that sport throughout high school. In college I took up racquetball and weightlifting. After college I moved into rock climbing which incorporates the strength, flexibility, coordination and fluidity of all my prior sports activities. After an injury I began focusing on Pilates and the ball. I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to share it with others so I became certified to teach. I am not currently teaching classes other than cycling, but I am capable of teaching advanced, novice  and beginner-level Pilates/Ball classes as well as ab and core fitness classes. I teach a small group a circuit and bootcamp style class as well as some TRX work. I have taught x-biking classes, which is the newest rage in fitness (www.xbiking.com) but I now focus on cycling classes in Aiken, SC.