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In 2009 I obtained my Spinning Certification and quickly jumped from the frying pan into the fire!  I subbed a lot the first few months but in July 2010 the gym I was working for went out of business.  My neighbor and I scrambled to get the capital together to purchase the Spinning bikes and within two days of the gym closing we carried our students with us to our newly opened studio.  We continued with our posse for 14 months.  We sold the bikes and I brought many of my students to another the current gym where I'm employed.  Over the years, management noticed my business savy and hired me as their Group X coordinator.  During that time, I felt I needed to better understand the Group X side and obtained a number of certifications.  Spinning is my passion, but my second favorite format to teach is Body Sculpting.

In addition to physical fitness, I've worked in the custom home building industry (for same company) for 25 years. 

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