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Tracy Herrick

Tracy is a Zumba Fitness Instructor licensed in Zumba, Zumba Toning, Zumba Gold, and Aqua Zumba. He has always had a passion for fitness, music, and dance. He has been involved in fitness for over twenty years with a focus in aerobics, step, body shop, kick boxing, and dance. He attended his first Zumba class eight years ago and knew this was it. "Zumba is an amazing aerobic workout, choreographed to dance and fitness movements from around the world. It has no borders. The music just draws you in. It awakens the little dancer in all of us!" Tracy has witnessed first hand the physical, emotional, and relational transformations that stem from Group Exercise classes like Zumba. It's what inspires him to to introduce people of all ages, abilities, gender, and background to a great fitness program that can improve their health and quality of life. 

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