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Robin Willson

My days of being involved in fitness and health go all the way back to my childhood, as I was an avid athlete. I knew I wanted to study the body and fitness in college. I ended up with an undergraduate degree is in Physical Education and I have a Master of Science in Health Education.  I got a job right out of college working for a hospital’s Community Health Education program and taught classes for kids, adults, teens and did wellness programming for the city. After working my way through graduate school doing personal training, waiting tables and teaching classes for hospitals and health departments, I landed an amazing job working for Johnson & Johnson as the Wellness Coordinator for a company in Kansas City. I did health education programming, exercise programs, group exercise classes and more for over 9 years.

Then, I started having a family. I had four amazing kids, 2 boys and 2 girls, in seven short years. I stayed home with them and took my job of raising them seriously. As a Mom, I stayed involved in working out and as my kids got older, I started doing personal training.

About 5 years ago, I decided it was time to re-enter the work force, as my kids were getting more self-sufficient. I went back to work as a Wellness Coordinator and regularly do personal training for clients.

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