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Rochelle Larson

Rochelle believes yoga is a personal journey for everyone - beautiful and unique - whether a beginner or someone who has been practicing for years.  Compared to other fitness disciplines, yoga alone perfectly unites mind, body and breath - all the while working on balance, strength, flexibility and mindfulness.  Rochelle came to yoga as a competitive runner in 2009 looking for recovery from injuries and help with tightness in the muscles.  At first she questioned whether yoga was “a workout”.  She often left during savasana when she first began going to yoga, thinking to herself “this isn’t a workout!”.  She is happy to report that she has now been converted.  The therapeutic benefits of yoga won her over.  

Rochelle encourages leaving all expectations at the door (be renewed each time you come to your mat), falling over (if you’re not falling sometimes, you’re probably not pushing yourself), laughing at yourself (enjoy your practice and keep a lighthearted attitude), and most importantly, never give up!  Keep a regular practice!  Keep learning!  Continue on your journey with yoga.  

It’s hard to unplug from today’s constant technology demands, to release from the stress of our busy lives, and to commune with our own bodies - but you CAN do this with a proper yoga practice.  Rochelle trained in Ashtanga yoga and enjoys working with people at all levels in yoga and especially runners.   

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