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Nicole Woodruff

NicoleWoodruff, RYT-200, from Toronto, Ontario has been actively practicing yoga for over 10 years and teaching since 2014.

For Nicole, yoga is an opportunity to reconnect the mind and body, while working out tension and seeing what's possible. Her classes safely challenge the body in a way that considers each individual's physical needs, while promoting relaxation. She creates classes for those attending, based on their needs, that day. 


She's an early member and ambassador of the California-based Accessible Yoga movement, and has practiced with some of the most famous teachers in the world, including Rodney Yee, Diane Bondy and Seane Corn. 


Nicole is well trained and experienced in various styles of yoga, including classical Hatha, Vinyasa, Restorative, chair yoga, and more. Her clients have described her as friendly, patient, and supportive. 


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