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Audrey Moulin

I was born and raised in southern Switzerland, in the heart of the beautiful Alps. At a very young age, I developped a passion for sports and books, which have both become part of my career. I studied english literature at the University of Liverpool, UK, and then worked as a subsitute teacher in Switzerland while using all of my free time to travel. Around the age of 25, I decided it was time to give my passion a shot and I wrote my first novel. I am currently working on the third one. 

I've always loved working out and, in 2016, while I was living in San Diego, CA, I decided to get out of my comfort zone to become a certified Pop Pilates instructor. Pop Pilates is a new and amazing format, created by young entrepreneur Cassey Ho in 2009. She quickly became a Youtube sensation and certifications have been available since 2014. 

I am currently living in my hometown in Switzerland, teaching several times a week and working on promoting Pop Pilates in my area. 

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