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Becky Williams

I am a certified ACSM Personal Trainer. AFAA Group Fitness Instructor and Kripalu RYT. I have a passion for all things fitness in all spaces- from home, in the gym and especially outdoors. I incorporate my background in yoga into all of the platforms I teach and train clients from to cultivate body awareness, mindful movement and self-acceptance. Throughout my career in the fitness industry I have taught the following: Spin, Yoga (gentle, power, vinyasa, Ashtanga), Barre, Bootcamp,Mat Pilates, HIIT, strength-training with free weights, and a variety of fusion classes with any of the previous modalities combined. For the last 5 years I've directed the Group Fitness program at Anastasia Fitness so at any moment I have to be ready to fill in for a variety of classes when needed. I've also taught at boutique fitness studios as well as managed and taught at a local yoga studio. I love my career and the relationships I've made with students. I live in a tourist town so I constantly get to be inspired by new visitors as much as I am sustained by my regulars. It's a wonderful life I get to live!

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