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Ciara Tunstall-Love

As a performer from St. Louis, Missouri, dance has always been my passion. Dancing professionally during my childhood into adulthood and studying performance art at Webster University, I have had to maintain a certain type of physique beginning at an early age. The pressure of staying in shape has always been a strict requirement, so fitness has always been a part of my daily life. As I grew older, I slowly started to lose motivation from routine workouts and became intimidated by huge and overly crowded gyms. This forced me to look for new and exciting fitness outlets. I took a group fitness class one time and fell in love with the experience. I enjoyed the determination I felt from the people around me during class. My love and excitement for fitness was renewed and led me to keep going back for more. Before I knew it, I was discovering a new passion as a Fitness Instructor.

In 2012, I moved to Miami, Florida to make my passion an actual career. I quickly became engulfed in the fitness industry and was selected to join a team of wonderful talented women to open the first Pure Barre in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and that was only the beginning for me! In 2014, I was offered to manage and launch the opening of Pulse 163a new upbeat boutique barre fitness studio located in the heart of North Miami Beach, Florida. I was the in-house master trainer and I taught their signature pulse barre class, which was voted #1 group fitness class by Miami New Times magazine! The end of 2016, has landed me my latest opportunity to move to the beautiful city of Dubai. I received an amazing offer to come live abroad and continue to do what I love the most teaching and spreading my passion for fitness!  Currently, I teach Barre & Pilates classes at Yoga La Viethe Palm Jumeirah’s premier studio! I am constantly inspired and grateful to work along side some of the greatest talent in the fitness industry. With high expectations and goals, I am honored, full of positive energy and extremely excited to continue my fitness journey spreading  positive changes and inspiration to my new Fitness Community in Dubai.

A goal for myself and a promise to all my current and future clients is to motivate and lead them to live an active and healthier life through learning to Love their Body and Mind. I will dedicate myself  to their success as a workout partner, coach, motivator and overall Wellness Provider.

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