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Lindsey Suto

I have been a Personal Trainer for over 14 years and a Group Instructor for over 8 years. I teach Kickboxing Class, a Knockout Class that uses boxing gloves and punching bags, and a kids fitness class. I have the ability to also teach Water Aerobics, Yoga, Pilates, Stretching, as well as a weights and cardio class that utilizes High Intensity Interval Training. I have a personal success story with weight loss. I weighed over 200 lbs. back in 2001. I realized I needed a change and slowly began to change my eating habits and starting walking for exercise. I lost the excess weight and changed careers from a legal assistant to a personal trainer. I love helping people and its my greatest pleasure to see a client reach their goals. I get my energy from excited class members ready to burn some calories and push themselves.

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