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Tonya Tittle

Tonya holds a Masters Degree from the University of Southern Mississippi in Exercise Science. She is an ACSM-certified personal trainer with over 30 years experience in the fitness industry. During covid she relocated her business Energy Fitness after being in Memphis onsite from 2002-end of feb 2021 to South Carolina, at the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Currently working online only and construction upfit for new site to open 2022. During Covid even though she already holds 2 college degrees she attended, graduated and now is a Licensed Massage Therapist in the State of South Carolina. This allows her to offer her clients more hands on manual therapy and healing bodywork so they can achieve and maintain optimal health. 

She has been involved with sports since the age of 14. Since 2002 she have pursue her passion for fitness and customer-service excellence to Energy Fitness, an award winning boutique personal training & nutrition coaching studio. Tonya loves teaching a holistic approach to fitness and nutrition while inspiring her clients to believe in themselves.
“I loved owning a boutique fitness studio in Downtown Memphis specializing in personal training & nutrition coaching and now am excited to bring it to my new hometown of Travelers Rest, SC (Greenville area). 

Until the new place gets up and running, I am continuing to  provide my online clients customized fitness programs via virtual training with zoom in small 2-3 client groups with each doing lots of functional movement and mobility exercises mixed in with proven standards and core work. Virtual Functional Fitness assessments are required prior to training with Tonya. She can be found online at www.energymemphis.com or www.energyfitness-sc.com

Tonya is married and has two school age children that are as you may guess active in sports, music, scouting and full of energy.

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