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Christy Erwin

I am a very energetic fitness enthusiast.  I am currently an ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor.  I also am certified in Pilates,  Aqua, and La Blast.   I teach eleven unique classes.  I teach through Howard Community College, Howard County,  and Aqua Fitness at Columbia Association.  My strengths are in dance and aerobic exercise.   

I choreograph all my own routines and am proud to say that I have waiting list to get into my classes. 


I am CPR/AED Certified.  I began my career as a physical education teacher and taught 15 years of physical education to elementary students.  I left having earned Exemplary Teacher of the Year award from my principal.  During my time with the public schools, I initiated a health and wellness program for our staff which included group fitness classes led by me.  The initiative was to enhance the wellness of the staff and teachers in the school system. 


I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Physical Education/Health Recreation and Dance.  I earned my degree from the University of Maryland.   I also have a master's equivalency in teaching from Trinity College in Washington D.C.  Many of my graduate classes focused on counseling.


I am an activist for children with cancer.  I  fund raise for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  Most of my fund raising initiatives involve physical activity as a means of raising money for cancer research. I created, managed, marketed, and put on a unique event.  It was a first of a kind family field day event.  This event lasted several hours where chidren and adults went through about 25 obstacle challenges.  It was a wonderful bonding experience for families.  It raised over $5,000.00 and got a lot of media attention.  This was my single most creative endeavor, and it was a huge success.   I fund raise for leukemia because my son is a leukemia survivor.  I have taught him to use exercise to improve his cardiorespiratory system,  muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility.  He also uses exercise as a means of stress release.  He is currently training to be a ninja warrior.