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Sonny Wilson

“The only limitations one has are the ones they place on themselves” – Muhammad Ali.
Sonny Wilson is the group fitness manager and instructor at Fitness FX. His personal drive is rooted from his unique athletic background in combat sports including boxing, Muay Thai and Brazilian jujitsu (BJJ). Sonny knows what it takes to harness the power of an incredible focus and passion and utilize it to achieve any objective.
Now out of the ring and into the studio, Sonny is thrilled to have the opportunity to help others reach their fitness goals. As a certified indoor cycling, TRX suspension, TRX RIP trainer, Joint Mobility & Movement and Kettlebell instructor, Sonny is well suited to push anyone to their limits! Whether you join him on the bike, take it out on the punching bags or challenge yourself to a TRX, RIP or Kettlebell circuit class, with his strong understanding of body mechanics you can trust Sonny to help you prove to yourself that there is nothing you can’t do if you only try.

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