Mix your passion with paradise ™

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Casandra Galvez

Hi there! My name is Casandra and like a good Latina, I LOVE DANCING! Ever since I was little, you would always find me shaking my booty to the latest salsa and merengue hits, while the rest of the kids were wobbling their heads to Britney Spears and Backstreet Boys songs. 

The rhythm just runs through my blood, what can I say? 

This passion for dance is what lead me into the group fitness world, and ever since I became a Zumba instructor on July 2013, I never looked back. It's not uncommon for you to find me driving and car-o-graphing new routines for my Zumba students. I am a safe driver, though! I promise! 

My students drive me to be a better instructor so that I can help them achieve those goals they never thought they could reach (and secretly to kick their butts while I’m at it!). I love that I get to do what I love the most, dancing, and get to meet some AMAZING people along the way. I can truly say Zumba is my life! 


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