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Nicole Fusco

Nicole was first introduced to Pilates as a teenager by her dance instructor. She used Pilates to improve her dancing and soon realized the therapeutic benefits. Nicole went on to study dance and psychology at Drexel University where she began her professional Pilates training through the Drexel Pilates Training Program (DPTP) and became one of the first 3rd generation classically certified Pilates Instructors. She keeps up to date with new exercises while still following Joseph Pilates’ Six Essential Concepts: control, breath, concentration, flow, centering, and precision. Her interest is in bringing other people what Pilates brought to her: increased body awareness, strength to lessen the pain of injuries as well as prevent further injury, flexibility, and mental clarity.

Nicole is passionate about working with children with special needs. She is certified through Every Kids Yoga to teach yoga to kids with special needs and received her Autism Movement Therapy® Certification after years of volunteering with occupational and movement therapists. She studied Laban Movement Analysis (LMA) and the Kestinberg Movement Profile (KMP) to understand the meaning behind movement and how to strengthen the mind/body connection. Nicole has worked with children/adults living with sensory processing disorders, developmental disorders, anxiety, cerebral palsy, ADHD, body image issues, and more. Clients are given a safe place to express themselves through movement aiding in the integration of emotions, cognitive function, social skills, and physical movement. As a movement therapist, she helps clients with coping and overcoming both physical and psychological obstacles.

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