Mix your passion with paradise ™

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My name is Tia Ball and, simply put, fitness is and always has been my life. In the past, I've worked for the US Army; training with everyone from varsity athletes to soldiers, soldiers’ wives and, even, Wounded Warriors. I graduated from the  University of North Georgia with a degree in Athletic Training, which has only propelled my health and fitness expertise. I have experience working in an exercise science clinic as well as a strength coach with my university's varsity sports teams. 

Military and fitness have been central to my life ever since I was born. This military life has taken me all over the world and has given me some of the most amazing opportunities. My father runs the gyms for the Army, so I've quite literally been raised in the gym. In Korea I earned my Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do. In Germany I got to train with Olympic volleyball players. In Italy I played for a semi-professional volleyball team. Most recently, I started coaching for USA Volleyball around the country. Even with all of that, I’m thrilled for the opportunity to combine my passion for fitness with my passion for travel and get back out there in the world. 

I do this job because I have a passion for fitness and helping others achieve their goals. I look forward to working with you!

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