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Ruth Elliott

Ruth moved from Southern Ontario to the Chicago area 15 years ago, with three, now grown and somewhat sassy, children. A famous dabbler she practices everything from meditation to martial arts, from warrior dashes to Greenland stick kayak rolling, but Yoga has remained her physical, emotional and spiritual refuge and the only thing that slows down her 'madly off in all directions' brain. Having completed her 200hr Power Yoga training she was certified in Yoga Sculpt, Hot Power Fusion, Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga and Hot Yoga. She also leads teacher trainings in multiple formats. She will complete her 300hr certification with Wild Abundant Life this month with certifications in Yoga as Integrative Medicine, Yoga Life Coaching, Sound Therapy, Advanced Anatomy, Advanced Vinyasa Sequencing, Teaching, and Assisting, and Yin, Restorative and Yoga Nidra. She has also completed the Y12SR Trauma Informed Training and has started Reflexology certification. She has a fabulous collection of Essential Oils, a wicked cool crystal singing bowl, and an equally cool ocean drum and she's not afraid to use them. She teaches all ages in studios, on retreats, in public parks, private homes, and in Cook County Jail. She is also an avid artist, photographer, writer, and editor, and has been known to dabble in Improv comedy, you know, on the side, in her spare time. 

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