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Melissa Rutherford

My name is Melissa and I am 30 years old.  I am a wife and mother of two toddlers, and a passionate yoga instructor.  Yoga has given me a release in my busy life, and gives me an opportunity to find peace in my typically hectic day-to-day.  Yoga has been a part of life for 7 years and I decided to take my teacher training in 2016, when I was pregnant with my second child.  I'm certified in Ashtanga and Rocket Yoga.  I love being able to bring yoga to others to help them connect with something positive in their life.  My classes range from beginners to advanced, but regardless of the pace of the class, I love showing others how connecting thier breathe and movement through the practice of yoga can be a powerful expeirence, leaving you feeling vibrant and refreshed. 

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