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Amanda Clawson

Hi! I'm Amanda, I'm 40, and I'm feeling fabulous! I'm a book editor by day, but my passion is helping people push past what they think are their limits, making them physically and mentally stronger, and ultimately helping them live their best lives! I didn't grow up being active, I didn't do sports in high school or college, and I definitely thought exercise was some sort of punishment--but a chain of events led me to buying a pair of running shoes in my early twenties and hitting the pavement...and the rest is history! I've completed two marathons, one Half Ironman, and many, many other road races and bike rides. When I became a group fitness instructor over five years ago, I was certified in Jillian Michaels BodyShred. Now I focus on HIIT, strength, running, personal training, and health coaching. I have two amazing daughters and a cat, and we live in Minnesota! 

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