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Robyn DiNatale

Robyn DiNatale


Growing up a block away from the beach in the '70s when working out wasn't cool, I was an innovator of exercise. Creating different workouts based on functional movements absent of realizing at the time what that even meant.  Walking on the beach felt invigorating and therefore must have been good for you. Living on the 2nd floor, the stairs also soon became an exercise tool causing WHAT? Weight loss! And so my fitness passion journey began.  Education was based on an acting career but extensive research on available training at the time in exercise science led to certification which then led to my first fitness instructor role teaching large groups at corporate facilities, local health departments for senior programs, and schools.  Also a dancer since age 3, my 1st certification was through (then) NDEITA or National Dance Exercise Instructor Training Association. ACE, ACSM, AFAA, and many others followed as well as taking on many personal training gigs at various gyms. Currently, I am NASM certified since 2012. In 2006  I opened Attitude Dance & Fitness, LLC. a boutique studio where fitness and dance live happily together in a warm, accepting, friendly environment for women.  With over 25 years experience, I teach Barre, Tabata, Cardio Kickboxing, Strength training and am a wedding dance choreographer with the number 1 wedding dance choreography studio on Connecticut's shoreline. Married 31 years with 2 wonderful adult children who are professional musicians and actors respectively. Also, a singer whose band, American Graffiti was well known in the '80s and '90s, my spare time gig is singing with my husband professionally at local venues and parties.

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