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Elizabeth Faison

Why do I love being a personal trainer and nutritionist and using Beachbody and Shakeology? It's very personal to me. You see I lost my mother when she was 50 and I was 18. She was almost 70 lbs overweight and died suddenly of an aneurysm. The doctor said her weight was a big factor. I decided to do everything I could to stay healthy, and lost 94 lbs. I started exercising and have kept the weight off for over 35 years. After I had my 3 children, it became even more significant especially after I became a single mother. I couldn't bear to think about my children not having me here. But, you know old habits die hard, and I, without even realizing it, taught my children that food was a reward. Well, two of my three children became very overweight while I was working out daily and staying in shape. Man, did I feel guilty because I raised them just like I was raised in relationship to food. But, ladies, God always gives us second, third, fourth chances, and as our lives began to become stable emotionally, my children, realized on their own, they wanted to be healthy. They started exercising and eating correctly, and look at their results. I always accepted my children, and I never mentioned their weight because I remember how I felt at their age, and how people judged me on my weight. They did it mainly on their own. My daughter Olivia, lost 103 lbs and has kept it off for 5 years. She is now studying to become a holistic cardiologist and is in her third year of college. My son Nigel has lost over 200 lbs and leaves for boot camp Dec 17 to study Aviation Mechanical Engineering with the US Navy. To say I am proud, is an understatement. This is my mission and I am very intentional in helping women and families become healthier because I have lived it. You have to make the choice. I can help you.

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