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After Hallie obtained her MS in 1999, she worked in her field providing therapy for individuals, couples and families. She hired and trained graduate students and ran one of the most accessed family counseling programs in WI. As a certified fitness professional with over 28 years of experience, she provides holistic health individual and corporate wellness programs as well as personal training and group fitness in health clubs, and personal training studios. She holds certifications from the The Chek Institute in both corrective exercise and holistic health coaching. Her training, education and, passion for helping people set and achieve health and wellness goals is what ignited her business, New U. 

New U develops customized wellness programs for individuals and corporations. Through the use of detailed assessment tools, ongoing online accountability and behavior modification strategies, New U provides support and education for clients to work towards optimal health and functionality. In addition, New U runs both fall and spring programs with area health professionals and provides ongoing fitness classes for clients. Identifying goals and using both behavioral modification and coaching techniques, I assist people in achieving those goals. Contact me and create a NEW U today!


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