Mix your passion with paradise ™

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Hi, my name is Kally Clary.  I received my 200- Hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification in 2018 and have been teaching, studying, and growing in yoga ever since.  When I am not teaching yoga I am a fifth-grade educator in a rural Wisconsin school district.  I love teaching fifth-graders, they keep me on my toes, and teach me so much every day. Teaching is my career but my passion is my family.  I have a husband, two of the most amazing boys, and two dogs.  They fill my house and heart with love and I wouldn't be who I am today without them.  I want to join the fitness/sports industry because I have always dreamed of traveling with my family and what a better way than to share my love of yoga with them at the same time.  I believe that this opportunity would help me to practice and fine-tune my yoga instructor skills while broadening my range outside of my usual comfort zone.  I would love to be able to challenge myself in this way.  

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